League Management
Let SkyCourt eliminate the effort of league management

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, SkyCourt can eliminate the tedious administration of league management and bring back the fun.
Box Leagues
Box Leagues allow players to schedule their own matches within a set time period (i.e. a month) where they play round robin for points.
As the administrator, you set how many points a player gets for a win and how many they get for a lose based on the score. Various bonus points can also be given to encourage match play.
At the end of the time period, you control how many players move up into the next higher box and how many move down. A common setup for a box league is for the time period to be one month with 5 players in a box and 2 players moving up and 2 players moving down.
The configuration is quite flexible and able to handle most situations. If we can't handle your rules, let us know. The system can be extended easily.
House League
In SkyCourt, a House League, is a box ladder where the matches are scheduled automatically by the system.
As the administrator, you can specify the day of week and time of day for the matches to be played and the system will automatically generate a schedule for you. Scheduling these types of leagues can be very tedious, but with SkyCourt, it is just a matter of selecting the way you want the matches scheduled and pressing a button.
If you are using SkyCourt's court booking system, the courts are automatically booked so that other player's can't interfere with league night.
All the same settings for the Box League apply to a House League with the addition of the scheduling approach. Do you want all the players in a box to play at the same time? Or maybe you want them to play one after the other so they can watch matches of the same calibre.
A House League night is a great opportunity for your members to socialize while getting in some competitive matches.
Team Leagues
SkyCourt has support for team based leagues.
A team based house league is a fantastic way to increase the social aspect of Squash or Tennis in your club. And the best part is that it is just as easy to create a team based house league as it is to create a box ladder based house league.
The team league in SkyCourt is extremely flexible, allowing you to schedule the matches in a variety of ways to suit your needs, including having playoffs at the end of the season.
And just like the House League, a team league automatically books the courts for you and lets everybody know when and where they play next.
Ask us how we recommend setting up and running a team league and why. We can help you increase the fun factor of your house league by turning it into a team sport.
Inter-Club Team League
Are you a convenor of an multi-club team league? SkyCourt has fantastic support Inter-Club team leagues.
Managing a team league is a breeze with SkyCourt. It all starts with interactive, flexible scheduling and club invitations.
The convenor is able to monitor the progress of club signup as well as team member signup within each clubs' teams.
Once the clubs have committed to fielding a team for the season, creating a fair and balanced schedule - regardless of the number of teams - is effortless.
Communication is very important and with SkyCourt's built in email and announcement banners it becomes simple to communicate to very specific groups of people. For instance, the team captain can easily communicate with members of her team. Or the convenor can easily communicate with the members of a single division, or just the team captains. All of this from a friendly, familiar environment.
League Management Features
Easy League Setup
Creating a league is as easy as following a set of guided steps to tell the system how you want to run your league. Once you have users registered in the system, all you have to do is stack rank the players and the system will do the rest. You can have any number of box leagues, house leagues and challenge ladders.
Incorporate player ratings
SkyCourt makes it simple to create and manage multiple leagues, so why not create leagues based on player ratings. Have a league for beginners with ratings of 1.0 to 2.999, or an advanced league for players 4.500 and higher. With the rating system built in, you have the flexibility of creating the leagues you want. And each league match contributes to the player's rating, this provides extra incentive for competitive minded players to join your leagues.
Automatic schedule creation
Creating a house league schedule by hand can be very time consuming and error prone. And down right tedious if you have to then transfer that schedule into your court booking system by hand. With SkyCourt the schedules and court bookings are created automatically based on the scheduling scheme you choose. This alone can save you hours of tedious work, so you can focus on the players not the adminstration.
Flexible Rules
You can accept the default rules or customize the rules to suit your needs. We have run multiple leagues with our default rules but each league can have it's own set of rules.
Advertise your leagues
Each league has a description where you can explain the league and entice players to join. These descriptions are presented on the leagues and ladders page, advertising the leagues that are available for the player to join. Eacn player then has the ability to join the league or to step out due to injury or vacation and when they do, you get notified instantly.
Automated League Management
At the end of a session (defined in days, weeks or months), the system proposes the details of the next session. All you have to do is press a button or add new players to the league if necessary. Of course, if you want to over ride the proposal, that is possible too.
Players can use their mobile phones to record scores, communicate with other players and view league rankings.
Player Communication
Players can send each other chat messages to arrange times to play or to confirm court bookings. League administrators can easily send messages to all members of a league. Privacy is important so email addresses are not shared with members, instead the communication is handled by the system.
TV Mode
In TV mode, the league ranking page is ideal for display in the club on league night. It is optimized for viewing full screen, hands-free viewing of the league scores and automatically updates as players enter their scores
Sponsor Support
Do you have sponsors helping to fund your leagues? Upload multiple advertisement images for display on the league ranking page both in TV mode and normal mode. The ad layout is flexible to support different ad sizes. Display rates and click through rates are tracked to provide reports back to your Sponsors to show the value they are getting.