
Perfect for Doubles Squash

The worlds best league management software for doubles squash


Pefect for Doubles Squash

The worlds best league management system for doubles squash


Need Leagues?

Easily create any number of leagues in 4 different league types. Individual or Team leagues, Scheduled or Schedule-Yourself leagues.

Easier to manage than Excel or paper.

Online Court Booking?

Allow your members to book courts from their phones, their desktop or even a front desk kiosk.

Each set of courts has its own schedules and set of rules for booking. There are even different sets of rules for different membership types.

Want Player Ratings?

Create a competitive environment to keep your members engaged and having fun.

All your club's competitive matches can feed into your member's rating system. Ratings are a great way to match up players based on their skill level.

Effortlessly host leagues for your members

At last, league management software that is as flexible as running leagues on paper and as effortless as an online league system should be. 

  • Create and advertise your leagues

  • League management reduced to seconds, not hours

  • Easily handle changes after the league starts

  • Optional Right Wall / Left Wall positions for players


Online court booking

Free your front desk  personnel and give the power of booking courts directly to your members.

  • Optionally define the schedule to include prime-time court slots

  • Define the rules around how your members can book courts, including separate rules for prime-time slots

  • Have separate schedules and rules for your singles vs doubles squash courts

  • Gain insights by viewing reports on court usage over time

  • Members see an optimized workflow when booking courts on their phone

  • You can define different rules for different member types

Online court booking

Free your front desk  personnel and give the power of booking courts directly to your members.

  • Optionally define the schedule to include prime-time court slots

  • Define the rules around how your members can book courts, including separate rules for prime-time slots

  • Have separate schedules and rules for your singles vs doubles squash courts

  • Gain insights by viewing reports on court usage over time

  • Members see an optimized workflow when booking courts on their phone

  • You can define different rules for different member types


Player statistics and rankings

Engage your members by providing a competitive environment where your members can see how they rate against other members in the club.

  • Enhance member retention by providing a competitive squash community

  • Assign initial ratings to some or all of your members and the system will track everybody's ratings based on their performance

  • All league matches count towards member ratings

  • Members can enter non-league matches to contribute to their ratings

  • You can determine if your club will support a single rating for doubles squash, or separate ratings for right wall and left wall positions

  • A single player can have independent right wall and left wall ratings

snapshot of player statistics pagesnapshot of player statistics page

Member Communication

Member privacy was our main consideration when building our member communication software. 

  • Members can communicate within SkyCourt without the need to share email addresses

  • Member can choose to share email addresses and / or phone numbers

  • Squash Pros can send targeted emails based on league participation, gender, age and other characteristics

  • SkyCourt’s communication system integrates with members’ email system to make replying to a message intuitive and straight forward

Member Communication

Member privacy was our main consideration when building our member communication functionality. 

  • Members can communicate within SkyCourt without the need to share email addresses

  • Member can choose to share email addresses and / or phone numbers

  • Squash Pros can send targeted emails based on league participation, gender, age and other characteristics

  • SkyCourt’s communication system integrates with members’ email system to make replying to a message intuitive and straight forward
